Wednesday 14 October 2020

Busy Bees in the Junior Room

The children have been so busy so school the last couple of weeks! 

This video shows a Literacy Lesson. The children have a few different jobs to do: 
1. Warm up the big muscles (workout time!)
2. Warm up the small muscles (we love playdough discos!)
3. The Junior Infants are doing a worksheet to develop their visual perception, a key skill for reading and writing. 
Seniors are playing a game to develop spelling skills, revise their sounds and practice reading words. Rang 1 are learning how to form letters in cursive writing. We practice on the big whiteboard, then the girls practice on their mini whiteboards and in their workbooks. 
4. Junior Infants then practice their pre-writing shape of the day. You can see we are working on zigzag lines in the video. Young children need plenty of practice with mark making before they start formal handwriting. 

This is an example of our STEM stations (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) from last week. There were 3 stations that each pod had a turn at: 
1. Engineering-build a free-standing tree with autumn leaves on it
2. Technology and Science-autumn themed activities online 
3. Maths-making pattern flowers with paint
We do STEM stations every Friday.

Féach ar seo! Tá na páistí ag caint faoi rudaí mór agus beag.
Look at this! The children are chatting about things that are big and small.