Friday 18 November 2016

Food Theme

We have been learning about food this month in the classroom! Here are some pictures of what we have been doing for playtime.

Our Drama corner is a restaurant! Everyone takes it in turns to be the customers, the waiter or waitress and the chef! The children take orders, cook the food and get the bill. 

We have also been making playdough foods:

We played some bingo to practice our new Gaeilge words: 

Sorted pictures of food into their shapes to reinforce our Maths for this week:

We sorted foods onto healthy and unhealthy plates:

We read the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar and talked about the different foods he ate. What ones were healthy and unhealthy? What did he eat on Monday? How many plums did he eat? Here are our Very Hungry Handprint Caterpillars...on the ceiling!!!

We also did some still life drawing this week. There was a bowl of fruit in the middle of the table and the children had to draw what they could see in front of them! Here is our classroom art gallery:

We will be doing more fun food activities next week to continue our learning!