The children in the Junior Room all take part in Aistear, or learning through play. There is further information found below, taken from
Aistear is a fantastic, safe and supported way for the children to make sense their world, expand vocabulary, make connections, interact and develop a wide variety of curriculum, social, physical and emotional skills. It is far more than just playing!
We have spent the first few weeks of school getting used to the new normal routine for Aistear; limiting shared resources, separate play areas for each pod, cleaning and quarantining toys so everyone can stay safe, etc. Moving forward, we will have monthly themes for our Aistear time which will link to many other curriculum areas. 1st Class will also be set more challenging activities to complete alongside the thematic play.
Have a look at what we have been getting up to recently:
Making prints for Visual Arts (motor skills, self-expression, exploration of colours, self-esteem, visual processing, coordination, sensory play, problem solving, creativity, imagination...)

Exploring the sandpit (hand-eye coordination, sensory play, oral language, social skills, fine motor, gross motor, social skills)
Making puppets for the theatre (mark making, free writing, fine motor skills, imagination, storytelling, pencil and scissors grip, problem solving..)
Construction (imaginative play, fine/gross motor development, problem solving, cooperative learning, sharing, creative thinking, self-esteem..)
Small world (creative thinking, drama, cooperation, social skills, sharing, language development, motor skills, free writing element supports English curriculum...)
Most importantly, we get to have fun, make a mess and encourage the children to associate school as an engaging, interactive, positive place to be!